
        Facilities are really important to any work. So in business class, we studied what definition of facility. How can we describe our organizations with new words? And How can we use intensifier and link ideas ? Also we learn communication skills to make suggestion and recommending.Because of these questions any company and organization discuses about their  Facilities before establish their work.
       In unit ten, we know the facility means buildings, services, equipment, etc that are provide a particular purpose. We learn how we give  details about our company with some words such as well-equipped, the state of art, up to date, spacious,cramped, wide .... Also, give more details with intensifier like really, extremely, pretty.... And, how we can link ideas by linking word ( besides, on top of, and also, as well as and in addition) .
      At work, it is very substantial to make suggestions and recommending when we discuss project or problems. So, in unit ten we learn some different ways to give suggestions and recommending.

    In short, study Facility it is very useful to know more information about how work go on, and how we can improve our work.           
